Jessica Strickland, TU’s California Field Coordinator, will be with us to present on the
“Sportsmen’s Conservation Project” (SCP), an initiative that educates, organizes, and promotes
grassroots-level action among anglers and hunters to better protect and manage our public
lands. Jessica will talk about what’s happening in our neck of the woods, including the National
Forest Plan Revision and Travel Management processes currently under way in Sierra, Sequoia and
Inyo National Forest, as well as TU’s initiative to gain special designations for the San Gabriel and
San Bernardino mountains.
Jessica leads on public lands issues and campaigns in much of the Golden State, with a focus
on educating and organizing sportsmen to deliver strong conservation outcomes in the Forest Plan
Revision and Travel Management processes currently under way in Region 5 national forests, as
well as to gain special designations for key terrestrial and aquatic habitat. Jessica hails from
Louisiana and is a lifelong avid angler and hunter. She has a degree in Fisheries Biology and a
Master’s in Aquatic Ecology, and comes to TU after serving as Project Manager with American
Rivers in California and as Conservation Programs Manager and Outreach Coordinator for the
University of Texas.