Several members, and spouses, of the DFF traveled to Mammoth last weekend to help with the
Southwest Council Fly Fishing Faire. Between helping we managed to have fun! Years ago it was common for groups of us to travel to fish, attend functions, and just have fun with like minded folks but with the changes in the economy this was not happening as often.
Last weekend we were reminded how much fun this is and therefore we need to do it more!
Thursday night there was a vendor and volunteer dinner at Lake Mary Marina. DFF helped with set up and busing.
Fishing and kayaking on Lake Mary. As you can see the weather and fishing were cooperative!
Saturday night our group got together for a potluck dinner... Great food and conversation. Alan treated us to halibut, Britta made her famous Calico Beans, there was a huge salad, we also had before the meal treats and cake for dessert. We spent plenty of time reminiscing about past outings and members that are no longer with us, having laughs about adventures and misadventures of outings past.
A great time was had by all! We have to do this more often!